Thursday, November 01, 2007

Paakramaan !!!!

Okay so let me start off with something that i absolutely cannot live without-the game of glorious uncertainties - Cricket!

And when an Indian talks about cricket,you probably cannot expect him to go on about anything other than what according to him,is the greatest rivalry in the game-INDIA v PAKISTAN !

Yeah,yeah,i know-it's been done to death-how the subcontinent gears up for an extravaganza whenever the two sides lock horns,how the traffic comes to a standstill (exception-Mumbai,the traffic is always at a standstill here !) , how each game is regarded as a matter of national pride, how soldiers stationed on either side of the border let their counterparts know who's the boss after their side wins,blah,blah,blah......and more blah!

However (and this is a big however,) this does not take away from the fact that for an ordinary Indian and i imagine for the ordinary Pakistani as well,nothing beats the sight of their respective team defeating the believe me when i say that this is the game to watch out for !

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